Thursday, September 24, 2009


What does strength mean to you? Merriam-Webster provides nine definitions for this term, but each person has their own meaning of strength. Nonetheless, I want to focus on the first definition, the quality or state of being strong: the capacity for exertion or endurance. An individual can be physically strong, but mental strength is the key to overcoming any adversity. As James Conant once said, “Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.”

Without taking that risk, enduring our problems or exercising our will to push through these issues, then we would not consider ourselves strong people.
Now that we know the definition, let us consider what strength is not. Strength is not when you run away from your problem. It is not when you let them sit there and fester. Moreover, strength is not when you hand all your problems over to someone else so they can fix them for you. It just does not work that way. You have to be involved in the process somehow, and it is completely different when that individual is there to guide you.

Do not get me wrong, I have made the first two mistakes numerous times in different situations. Where did it get me? Nowhere. By the time my issues were all said and done, I had an even bigger mess to clean. Let us take not paying your bills as an example. Sure, you can use the money to go by other things, but your bills will still be there waiting for you. If choose not to pay them, you will rack up an insane amount of late fees. Eventually, this bill will be sent to a collection agency. Then, these people will become your enemies. They will call you five or six times a day about your bill, if not more. They will harass you, call you dirty names, and do whatever else it takes to get their money.

Maybe, just maybe the bill will go away after seven years. However, it is highly unlikely. Those individuals will take this even further by issuing you a subpoena. Then, you will end up paying for court costs and risk the possibility of your check being garnished. This horrible cycle that affects everyone around you. Granted, I am defending bill collectors because some of them are just unethical, but that is not the point of my blog.

My point is you have to think about resolutions. How are you going to move past the issue that has been created? That will become a testament to your strength. When I hear people tell me I am a strong person, I sometimes brush it off because I never thought of myself like that. Nevertheless, each individual encounters various problems and handles them in a different manner. The problems I encounter might be similar to another individual, but they may choose a different solution. It does not necessarily mean you are not strong person, but it means that each person has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. So if you have a problem that is bugging you, get off your butt and do something about it. I am in the process of resolving mine at this very moment, but I will save that for the next blog.

Until the next time….

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Missing in action?

Is she missing in action?

Not exactly…As I started the path to my aspirations, I hit a few bumps in the road that threw me for a huge loop.

1. Breakup

2. Student Loans

3. My previous university

The last two, I expected to happen, but the first one hurt me the most. However, none of this has deterred me from what I have set out to do. You could say I am taking this time to reinvent myself. I am also trying to strategize and figure out how to get from point A to point B.

With that being said, you can understand why I emphasize on not giving up on your dreams. Should I be angry about what happened? Yes, I have every right to demonstrate this emotion, and I would not be human if I was not irritated. However, focusing on my anger will not get me any closer to my goals.
My life has taken several hits before, especially in the romance sector. And each time I am knocked down, I pick myself back up. You cannot put your life on hold just because problems occur – you have to strategize as you go and remain focused.

I am thankful that all this did happen because it will keep me from making the same mistakes before. In addition, I met someone who reminded me of who I am as a person and pushed me back on the road to my goals.

What exactly are those goals? I am still fine-tuning them, but that is all a part of my master plan. Let us just say I will continue my writing and eventually end up in paradise – Just because I am no longer with someone does not mean I should give up on moving to Hawaii. I fell in love with Honolulu and will make this a reality, whether I am with someone or not.

Let’s just say the journey of life is crazy, but that is the beauty of it. We will eventually get through all the issues that we face.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Change occurs every day. Whether it is big or small, we all encounter it. The question is - how do we handle those situations when they are thrown in our path. Some people ignore change, while others try to adjust. Others worry frantically, while others remain calm.

Even though we may not like this life-altering situation, we still must accept it and work with it – unless it creates a downward spiral of events. I have faced many changes and challenges in my life – and somehow, I have survived them all.

Some would think I would change my ways and become more hateful towards life and its challenges, but that’s not the type of person I am. Despite the amount of pain I have been through, I still consider myself a strong person and continue to hold my head strong.

Don’t get me wrong – I have my pessimistic moments. I would not be human if I didn’t. However, I try to move past those moments and create some sort of solitude amidst my chaotic life. If I didn’t, then I would feel lost and confused.

If your life comes across a challenge, then embrace it. It can be an enlightening experience. If you struggle, then surround yourself with people who support you. And if family or friends are not encouraging – then find people who are.

Everyone needs some type of support in their life: you just cannot go isolate yourself from the people who care about you the most. They will be there to support you and help you overcome this test. And eventually, you will see yourself succeed.

Monday, April 27, 2009

There are millions of writers in the world. So what makes someone think they can stand out in the crowd?

It’s a difficult task to do – but it can be done. I have scoured numerous articles about writing and have been given a number of tips on how to be a good writer and how to be a bad writer. This information has been extremely helpful, but it can be a burden as well.

It can stop someone from actually writing. For example, I always try to think of a topic that would attract readers. Once I have my focus – I deter myself from writing because I think: it’s been done before or what if no one likes it.

If I have not actually written my piece, then I go to the web for information. How can I make this topic more interesting? How can I attract readers?
After reading the articles, I am finished. Not finished with my topic – just finished with writing in general.

I become so frustrated with reading the articles because they bring me back to reality – there is no way I can stand out among the crowd.
Then, I remember that my writing is unique, and it’s not about whether or not I stand out – it’s about content and my story. Each writing style is different, and not everyone is going to like the way you write.

No, I am not an “expert” on writing since I have just started my career – but even a professional can botch up the job.

Sure, my blog may be one of many on the web, but that’s not going to stop me from writing. I may not write every day, but I want to keep make sure I am not becoming repetitive or boring. I want to inspire others to write because it’s one form of communication that will never die.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Challenge Yourself

Happy Belated Earth Day everyone!!

I know – I am a little late on this. Rather than competing with all the other blogs, I opted to take the day off and enjoy Mother Earth.

My inspiration consisted of me walking around Creve Coeur Lake, which left me exhausted. Even though my body does not walk five miles every day, I wanted to challenge myself. I knew that after it was over: I would be proud.

We face challenges every day, and we always find ways to overcome them. Now I have something to ask of my readers: Challenge yourself.

Do one thing that scares you or do something you have always wanted to do. What are you waiting for?

Now that I have completed my 5-mile trek, I am challenging myself to walk it on a daily basis. My other challenges are getting back into school and finishing my degree. Either way it goes, I have a lot on my plate – Because there are more goals I want to reach.

We will always face difficulties, but we should not let it stop us. We have to think about the “Big Picture.”

Yes, it good to be cautious – but that does not mean we should stop living life.
I will agree that the economy sucks, and we always get through it. Right now, it’s just a little tougher than we expected. But what’s life without a little challenge.

Don’t become distraught, and don’t hide under a rock. Enjoy life – Take pleasure in what we have been given!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Inspiration through Religion

Religion inspires many people to do wonderful things. It can be used as a motivational tool to keep individuals going throughout their day to day lives. In my opinion, religion drives us to help others throughout our communities, and even the world.

Personally, I am not a very religious person, but I do believe it helps our society in numerous ways. Ultimately, people come together to worship a supreme being. This being has many different names, such as God, Allah, Buddha, Brahman, etc. The primary purpose of these religions is to motivate their communities to treat others with respect, promote happiness, and believe in themselves as well as a higher power.

Each religion has its benefits and downfalls, but I am not here to argue those ideas. I am just asking for everyone to share their story as to how religion has inspired them. Some go on to become religious leaders, while others help their communities through various religious functions.
Growing up, my family raised me to be a Catholic. They enrolled me in PSR classes, and this helped me learn more about the church and its purpose in Catholicism. It also helped me become more centered on my family as I entered adulthood. Even though I do not always agree with some Catholic ideas, this religion played a huge part in becoming a good person.

Throughout my life, I have “experimented” with various religions, but the two I relate to the most are Catholicism and Buddhism. The two are very different, but very similar at the same time. The beliefs of the SGI (Soka Gakkai International) taught me to believe in myself. The members taught me that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, despite their circumstances. They also helped me feel more comfortable with myself as a single mother. They showed me that as long as I am a good person, it’s not wrong for me to pray for things that I want. I am very thankful that I met certain individuals in SGI because they helped shape my ideas even further.

I still even use both religions to inspire my thoughts, ambitions and ideas today. I may not take part in their functions, but both religions still motivate and inspire me. Again, every religion is different, but they each have their own purpose –and they help inspire others throughout the world.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wear Sunscreen - Baz Luhrmann

This a great inspirational song. I hope everyone enjoys it!

Decisions, Decisions

Decisions: we make them every day. They range from what we are going to wear to what we want for dinner. Then, there are the decisions that can change our lives - what exactly do we want.

To me, that's one of the hardest choices I needed to make. In high school, I went from wanting to be a journalist to desiring an advertising career. Now, I have been working towards public relations and event planning. These career paths are all similar since they consist of writing, but they are also very different.

Writing is what drives me because I know words, thoughts, ideas and opinions fuel our world. If you can talk, speak, think, then you can write: Everyone has a different style. So now I want to ask you, what do you want? Are you doing what makes you happy?

Have you taken the right steps that will lead you to the path of happiness? I know those are difficult questions to answer because everyone has a different definition for the term "happiness." - but set all those other viewpoints aside. If you think about someone else's definition for too long, it will drive you insane. Then you will constantly be questioning yourself.

Think about your desires and your dreams: what makes your heart beat faster; what makes you smile and what makes your eyes sparkle?

Once you have figured that out, develop a plan to get there. You may have a destination, but it is pointless when you do not have a map to guide you. For example, that's why I started this blog: I want people to hear my thoughts and opinions. While you are reading this, I am trying to make my dream happen. I am constantly thinking about ways to re-invent myself and my writing.

I don't want to settle for something that does not meet my definition of happiness or success. Sure, I could be happy with what I have, but it is not "me."

My last comment is do not let fear overcome you. It happens to the best of us. I know there are other bloggers out there who have the same idea as me, but I cannot let that stop me. There will always be competition; it's just a fact of life. Just keep striving for your goals and eventually you will end up on the right path.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


You could say I have been wanting to write this awhile, but I never really took the time to finish my thoughts. I hope everyone enjoys my crazy thoughts!

He told me to write – just write. But what do I write about? Do I write about love, hope, inspiration or nothing at all? I wanted my blog to inspire others, but how to I convey that idea? Why do I over analyze topics and not listen to my heart?
Many people, including myself, forget that inspiration can come in different forms. However, words are my inspiration. Reading how others formulate a sentence and how it flows always amazes me. Sometimes, I feel as if my writing cannot compare to other writers, but I forget others feel the same way about me. Ultimately, it is the thought that matters: it is how everyone can relate to it.

The other day, I was watching my favorite anime, Bleach. I read the translation of Inoue’s thoughts about how she wanted to be strong for her friends and how she did not understand why they came to save her. The words, the thought and the flow were pure genius – maybe this is the romanticist in me.

Listening, or I should say reading, to her thoughts gave me insight as to who I am as a writer. Passion and frustration are the keys to my writing – this may be true for anyone’s writing. I cannot write while I am happy. All of my poems – I wrote them while I was sad or frustrated. Romance and passion did not enter my life until the ladder years, but I feed off of those feelings as well.

In fact, I truly believe this is how everyone operates. It’s when we let go of logic and let our hearts’ thoughts consume us. Living through our feelings can be dangerous; however, it can help certain individuals become creative geniuses.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


My last blog post was kind of "eh." in my opinion. I knew what I wanted to say, but I didn't know where I was headed. I'll end up revising it eventually - for now, I will start you with a new thought.

Passion is what drives us. Without it, life would be dull. Everyone has a passion: cars, writing, traveling, dancing, singing, etc. You can see a person's eyes sparkle when they are doing something they love.

If you want see a "happy" me, then talk about writing, creating events and finding new ways to help people. I can feel my heart lift, my mind race, and my face will light up with a smile.

I spoke with one of my friend's about her business because I want to help her succeed. Her concept is impeccable and like no other: All Moms Go to Heaven. I truly believe her business is headed in the right direction, and I will be helping her with a few things. Once we have it set up, you will be able to read an interview either in May or June.

She has been an inspiration along with a few other individuals. She has a passion for her business, and some people don't understand that. She does not want to settle for what she knows: She wants to reach for the stars.

It's amazing how many people complain about life because they settle for comfort. Sure, there are a few passions that do not pay the bills; nonetheless, it does not mean you should stop doing what you love.

The States, even the world, is consumed with a fast-paced life and what a person can do to make the most money. Don't get me wrong, we need money to survive in this world. On the other hand, it's just paper: it won't make you happy. It will solve a few problems, but that's about it.

As we get older, we should be able to look back and say, "I had a good life, and I wouldn't change a thing." So why not do what you love? Am I saying you should quit your job? No, I'm not that stupid.

Find a way to transition. If it won't pay the bills, do it in your free time. Just make sure you don't regret missing out or pushing your passion aside. Everyone deserves to be happy.

Well, that's it for now. I am off to spend the rest of the day with my son.

Happy Easter Everyone!!!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Don't Blame Yourself

July 23rd, 2006 is a day that I will always remember. It is possible I may forget the event that occurred, but it remains in my memory for now.

That was the day I found out my son's father was cheating on me. My heart dropped into my stomach. Tears streamed down my face. And all I could do was blame myself. Various thoughts raced through my head. I wanted to pinpoint where I went wrong, but I was not the one to blame.

It took me two years to stop accusing myself. And I finally saw him for the person he truly was. During those two years, I lived my life so my son and I could survive, but my mind and my heart no longer possessed the spirit they once had.

I kept making myself accountable for his actions when I should not have been doing that. My life took a hard hit because I allowed myself to sink into a depression. And, I am sure there are numerous people out there just like me: some major event takes place, and they criticize themselves.

It's a hard habit to defeat, but you need to take control of your life. You cannot always control outside forces. However, you can prepare for them. If I would have listened to my classmates, then I may have been able to let go of the blame. I always maintained a good support team, but I could not stop the little voice in my head. The voice kept saying, "you're going to screw up again, and this time it will be much worse."

Honestly, I have not figured out how to stop that voice or the people who try to hold me back from my dreams. Instead, I have made them my motivation. I am going to prove them wrong, and "make them eat their words." If I let their words stop me, then I will never achieve my dreams, and they will win.

In my mind, I will not let that happen. I will not become complacent until I have reached my goals. My long journey has just begun, but when I reach my destination, I will smile knowing I have overcome obstacles that have been placed there for a reason. The big picture always reminds me of my responsibilities, my dreams, and my desires.

Don't let the outside forces stop you from your dreams. Just laugh. Show them that you will surpass their hindrances. And, you will eventually reach your destination.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Think Outside the Box

"When life gives you lemons, just make strawberries."

I am pretty sure I have a few people raising their eyebrows right now, but let me explain why I chose this quote. Earlier this week, one of my friends told me this on Facebook in order to put a smile on my face. Let's just say it worked, and I am in much better spirits despite the obstacles I have encountered.

Typically, people will say, "Just make lemonade," but who wants to hear that again? Given the economy, it is time for people to think outside the box. I have heard this from my boyfriend, the news, etc., and I am beginning to realize it's time for a change.

I will admit change can be scary, but comfort can become dull and boring. Everyone needs a little excitement in their life: plus, this is what life is all about. Who knows where the world would be today if it was not for inventors, philosophers or entrepreneurs,

Alexander Graham Bell is a good example: he is credited with inventing the telephone (I know everyone knows this, but there could be someone who doesn't). Without this idea, we would not have a way to contact people around the country or around the world. We would not have cell phones, blackberries or smartphones.

Our world is constantly developing new technology because someone felt that their invention would have a purpose for others. They felt their idea would make our lives simple and more convenient. Ideas and inventions are symbolic of change. There are people who are quick to try anything new, but there are also people who are hesitant to change. I would advise those people to take a chance, and they should not be afraid of change. If it does not work out, then learn from your mistakes, but don't let your mistakes get the best of you. I know it is easier said than done, but it's probably the best advice I can give.

If some major event happens in your life, embrace it and accept the challenge. Who knows where this path could take you? Do not let obstacles hinder you from having true happiness.

Friday, April 3, 2009

15 Maybes

I will try to write another blog this evening, but I will leave you with some thoughts for now.

15 Maybes is actually an e-mail I received, but I felt it had depth versus other forwards I have received. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

15 MAYBEs . . .

1. Maybe . . . We were supposed to meet the wrong people before meeting
the right one so that, when we finally meet the right person, we will know
how to be grateful for that gift.

2. Maybe . . . When the door of happiness closes, another opens; but,
often times, we look so long at the closed door that we don't even see the
new one which has been opened for us.

3. Maybe . . . It is true that we don't know what we have until we lose
it, but it is also true that we don't know what we have been missing until
it arrives.

4. Maybe . . . The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of
everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their

5. Maybe . . . The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten
past; after all, you can't go on successfully in life until you let go of
your past mistakes, failures and heartaches.

6. Maybe . . . You should dream what you want to dream; go where you want
to go, be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one
chance to do all the things you dream of and want to do.

7. Maybe . . . There are moments in life when you miss someone -- a
parent, a spouse, a brother, a sister, a friend, a child -- so much that you
just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real. So once they
are around you, appreciate them more.

8. Maybe . . . The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch
and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the
best conversation you've ever had.

9. Maybe . . . You should always try to put yourself in others' shoes. If
you feel that something could hurt you, it probably will hurt the other
person, too.

10. Maybe . . . You should do something nice for someone every single day,
even if it is simply to leave them alone. Profound!

11. Maybe . . . Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that
they will love you back. Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to
grow in their heart; but if it doesn't, be content that it grew in yours.

12. Maybe . . . Happiness waits for all those who cry, all those who hurt,
all those who have searched, and all those who have tried, for only they can
appreciate the importance of all the people who have touched their lives.

13. Maybe . . . You shouldn't go for looks; they can deceive; don't go for
wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile, because it
takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes
your heart smile .

14. Maybe . . . You should hope for enough happiness to make you sweet,
enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, and
enough hope to make you happy.

15. Maybe . . . You should try to live your life to the fullest because
when you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling but
when you die, you can be the one who is smiling and everyone around you

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I started to write a blog yesterday, but I have decided to can that idea and go with something else. You could say I have writer's block, but I also have a lot on my mind. This blog was originally started to give my views on things that take place within my life. Then, I decided to change the focus and have it center on motivation.

So what really motivates people? I could list off many people and ideas that motivate me. Others may use something else to keep them moving through this journey we call life. However, people sometimes stop and think is this really what I want? I know I have asked myself that question many times. Then, I look at my son and realize I have a responsibility to him. I also have a responsibility to myself: I cannot settle for something that I am "comfortable" with if it's not what I desire.

You could say that I have taken a wrong turn and need to find my way back to the right path. Yet, Albert Einstein said it best with the following quote: "Life is like a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you have to keep moving." You do have to keep moving, but you need to make sure you're moving in the right direction.

I feel my friend's addition to the quote is even better: "Life is like a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you have to keep moving - yes, even if you fell and bruised yourself." The issue with certain individuals, including myself, is that we give up if we have fallen off our bike. I could have gone the rest of my life without obtaining my degree and continue working in my current position, but that's not what I want.

I had to reassess my situation, and I have decided that I want my degree. I would like to be able to provide my child with the things he wants. Most of all, I want to do what I love. If it was not for my boyfriend, it may have been quite sometime before I realized I wasn't getting back on my bicycle. You could say he is another one of my motivations.

Before I leave my blog, let me leave you with one final thought. Keep moving towards your aspirations. Remember what motivates you, and do not stray from the right path. If you have to reassess, then do what is necessary. Whatever you do, do not give up on yourself or your dreams.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly

-Langston Hughes

It is quite possible that my blog may take a different direction than originally planned. Typically, I can be the person who motivates other people to stay positive. You could say I am their own personal cheerleader. I give my advice regarding the decisions they are about to make, but I also support them no matter what route they take.

I chose this quote by Langston Hughes because of the current economy. There are many out there who have been affected: they have lost their jobs, their homes, and some have lost faith in our government. America is suppose to the be the land of prosperity; however, many have seen their dreams shatter right before their eyes.

At first, I was oblivious to the bad economy. I would go out with my friends, my family, and I would have a good time. Now, some of my friends have been affected by the economy's woes. They have lost their jobs, and are trying to start all over again.

The nation's unemployment rate in February 2009 reached 8.1% according to MSNBC. From my understanding, this is the highest it has been since the Great Depression. Hearing all this bad news keeps everyone wondering where things will go next. People's dreams, their hopes and their faith seem to keep faltering.

We must keep on dreaming and pursuing those aspirations we have always wanted. "Change" was the focus of the Obama campaign, and people must embrace change as it comes along. It's frightening to think about, but everyone must take chances. We must be flexible and willing to accept the unexpected.

Our world is constantly changing so we must stay on our toes. Take a chance and go for something that may not neccessary be your forte. I will admit that I have strayed away from my dreams, but I am working my way back to the "right path." Everyone encounters obstacles when getting back on track, but we have to believe that we will overcome them.

Turning away and conforming to your current situation is not always the best option. Think outside of the box and try something different, which is why I started this blog. I want to start writing again. Yes, I want to appease my audience, but I want to write about the topics I have a passion for. My current job does let me write, but it does not scream "me." Therefore, this blog is my change and a way to think outside the box.

So if you have been affected by this current economy, don't lose faith or forget your dreams. You too will get back on your feet, but it will not be an easy task. Do something you have never done before and don't be afraid of change. You never know what is waiting for you out there.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bad Credit = No Job

I found this news article while searching for the original one that struck my interest. Like most news stories, it is fairly short, but it basically discusses how some employers check credit scores when hiring potential employees.

No employer is going to tell you that they will not hire you because of your credit score. Personally, I feel this is complete ludicrious. I understand that employers want to hire the best person for the position, but this does not necessarily mean that the person with bad credit has a poor work ethic. I will give the writer credit for saying that "some" (this is the key word) understand job searchers may have hit a "temporary glitch" compared to someone who has a long history of credit problems. Nonetheless, there is still not enough evidence to prove that someone who has poor credit could put a hinderance on the company.

One example would be the single mom. I am only using this example because I have personal experience in this area. This is a woman who has to do it all. She has to take care of her child(ren), work full-time, cook, clean, play chauffer, etc. Some single moms are fortunate to have help from their friends or family. Then, there are others who have to do it all on their own. If she cannot get a good job that can provide for her family and help with paying bills, then it is quite possible she will not have a good credit history. This could amount to even more stress because some organization will not hire her because of bad credit.

Again, I feel there is no justification regarding this issue. Hiring someone should be based on good character within the interview, the person's experience and their criminal record (this is not always something to judge quickly either, but I will save those comments for another blog). It is not a guarantee the company will have an A++ employee, but it is a chance they have to take.

Life is based on chances and decisions. Some people make bad choices, but they learn from them. This does not always go along with credit because finances are a lot tougher to manage. I personally would like a simple life, but even simple things cost an obscene amount of money. My child will always come first, before I do something strictly for myself.

I understand the economy is tough, and there are numerous people whp are looking for work. My only advice is to keep your head held high. Like Abraham Lincoln once said, "This too shall pass." Just stay focused and keep hope that hiring companies will stop being ridiculous. If you are an employer, do not pass up someone who could be a good employee because of their credit history. It is possible that this person may help advance your company.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The English Language

The English Language:

Before reading, do not get this preconceived notion that I do not like my job. I love my job, and I love writing. These are just my views in regards to interpreting the English language. It just happens that my job serves as a good example because of the encounters I have had.

I am sure many of you have heard that the English Language is difficult to learn, especially if it is not your first language. Many native English speakers will also agree that it is not easy for them either. Language itself is very subjective because everyone has interprets words, phrases, etc. differently.

My current occupation consists of writing references. This is not an exact definition of my job, so let me break it down for you.

  • We have a candidate for our position.
  • The candidate needs references to get the position or an interview with our client.
  • He or she provides us with one to three names to contact. Once we have that information, we send them a form via fax or e-mail. Occasionally, the reference asks to complete the form by phone.
  • After we have the completed form, we will type up the reference in a professional format.
Many of you may be wondering, what does she mean by professional format? Our client pays us to help them fill their open positions, whether it is for an executive or a physician. Since they are paying us money to perform this service, they expect us to carry out our due diligence. Rather than receiving a reference stating the word “Excellent” throughout the entire reference, we put it into a full sentence. A couple of examples would be, “he is an excellent communicator” or “she would perform exceptionally well as a medical director.”

Here’s the fun part about deciphering what’s being stated throughout this form: you never know what the person is trying to get across. Some people feel “good” means excellent, and others feel “good” means fair, but not poor. It varies from person to person, and the only way to understand this person is by talking to them directly. Even then, it can be difficult to put it on paper.

The audience/reader(s) could even interpret the message differently. Let me give you a scale as an example. The scale is based on 1 through 5, with 5 being the highest.

5= Excellent
4 = Above Average
3 = Average or Meets Expectations
2 = Below Average
1 = Poor

Some view “3” as not up to par, whereas others view it is a good ranking. Then, you have people who feel “4” is not meeting their expectations because they feel that everyone has to be “5s.”

My question is why? As humans, we want to be able to understand everything, but we also tend to make things more difficult on ourselves. Being an analytical person, I understand that I can misinterpret statements, feelings, etc. I have made several attempts to learn how to let this go; why should I read into things too much.

Everyone wants things to be perfect in their own way. However, the world, people, language and life will never be perfect. Why not just enjoy the English language and not over analyze what the true meaning is for every word. Each individual is always going to interpret every word differently.

A New Start

Previously, I started a blog concerning my cynical views on love and men, but that blog did not last long. It is partially due to my lack of interest in keeping it current: I only had one reader that commented, and I met a wonderful person who changed my views (he was the second person that commented on my blog). Plus, I was not very good at keeping it current since I have a son, friends and family that I would much rather complain to. :-)

I know starting this new blog will not guarantee readers, and I am still debating as whether or not I care. If I do happen to reach a good audience, then I might maintain my ramblings more often, but it all depends on my popularity. It is pretty sad that I am basing my blog on popularity since I am not big on popularity contests, but its how the cookie crumbles.

Feel free to stay awhile and read my upcoming blogs, and please let me know if there is a particular topic that you are interested in. Also, I would like to forewarn my readers that I tend to go off on a tangent from time to time. This happens a lot when there is a disruption in my thought process so I apologize if my writing is not as focused as it should be.