Sunday, March 29, 2009


Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly

-Langston Hughes

It is quite possible that my blog may take a different direction than originally planned. Typically, I can be the person who motivates other people to stay positive. You could say I am their own personal cheerleader. I give my advice regarding the decisions they are about to make, but I also support them no matter what route they take.

I chose this quote by Langston Hughes because of the current economy. There are many out there who have been affected: they have lost their jobs, their homes, and some have lost faith in our government. America is suppose to the be the land of prosperity; however, many have seen their dreams shatter right before their eyes.

At first, I was oblivious to the bad economy. I would go out with my friends, my family, and I would have a good time. Now, some of my friends have been affected by the economy's woes. They have lost their jobs, and are trying to start all over again.

The nation's unemployment rate in February 2009 reached 8.1% according to MSNBC. From my understanding, this is the highest it has been since the Great Depression. Hearing all this bad news keeps everyone wondering where things will go next. People's dreams, their hopes and their faith seem to keep faltering.

We must keep on dreaming and pursuing those aspirations we have always wanted. "Change" was the focus of the Obama campaign, and people must embrace change as it comes along. It's frightening to think about, but everyone must take chances. We must be flexible and willing to accept the unexpected.

Our world is constantly changing so we must stay on our toes. Take a chance and go for something that may not neccessary be your forte. I will admit that I have strayed away from my dreams, but I am working my way back to the "right path." Everyone encounters obstacles when getting back on track, but we have to believe that we will overcome them.

Turning away and conforming to your current situation is not always the best option. Think outside of the box and try something different, which is why I started this blog. I want to start writing again. Yes, I want to appease my audience, but I want to write about the topics I have a passion for. My current job does let me write, but it does not scream "me." Therefore, this blog is my change and a way to think outside the box.

So if you have been affected by this current economy, don't lose faith or forget your dreams. You too will get back on your feet, but it will not be an easy task. Do something you have never done before and don't be afraid of change. You never know what is waiting for you out there.