Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bad Credit = No Job

I found this news article while searching for the original one that struck my interest. Like most news stories, it is fairly short, but it basically discusses how some employers check credit scores when hiring potential employees.

No employer is going to tell you that they will not hire you because of your credit score. Personally, I feel this is complete ludicrious. I understand that employers want to hire the best person for the position, but this does not necessarily mean that the person with bad credit has a poor work ethic. I will give the writer credit for saying that "some" (this is the key word) understand job searchers may have hit a "temporary glitch" compared to someone who has a long history of credit problems. Nonetheless, there is still not enough evidence to prove that someone who has poor credit could put a hinderance on the company.

One example would be the single mom. I am only using this example because I have personal experience in this area. This is a woman who has to do it all. She has to take care of her child(ren), work full-time, cook, clean, play chauffer, etc. Some single moms are fortunate to have help from their friends or family. Then, there are others who have to do it all on their own. If she cannot get a good job that can provide for her family and help with paying bills, then it is quite possible she will not have a good credit history. This could amount to even more stress because some organization will not hire her because of bad credit.

Again, I feel there is no justification regarding this issue. Hiring someone should be based on good character within the interview, the person's experience and their criminal record (this is not always something to judge quickly either, but I will save those comments for another blog). It is not a guarantee the company will have an A++ employee, but it is a chance they have to take.

Life is based on chances and decisions. Some people make bad choices, but they learn from them. This does not always go along with credit because finances are a lot tougher to manage. I personally would like a simple life, but even simple things cost an obscene amount of money. My child will always come first, before I do something strictly for myself.

I understand the economy is tough, and there are numerous people whp are looking for work. My only advice is to keep your head held high. Like Abraham Lincoln once said, "This too shall pass." Just stay focused and keep hope that hiring companies will stop being ridiculous. If you are an employer, do not pass up someone who could be a good employee because of their credit history. It is possible that this person may help advance your company.