Thursday, April 23, 2009

Challenge Yourself

Happy Belated Earth Day everyone!!

I know – I am a little late on this. Rather than competing with all the other blogs, I opted to take the day off and enjoy Mother Earth.

My inspiration consisted of me walking around Creve Coeur Lake, which left me exhausted. Even though my body does not walk five miles every day, I wanted to challenge myself. I knew that after it was over: I would be proud.

We face challenges every day, and we always find ways to overcome them. Now I have something to ask of my readers: Challenge yourself.

Do one thing that scares you or do something you have always wanted to do. What are you waiting for?

Now that I have completed my 5-mile trek, I am challenging myself to walk it on a daily basis. My other challenges are getting back into school and finishing my degree. Either way it goes, I have a lot on my plate – Because there are more goals I want to reach.

We will always face difficulties, but we should not let it stop us. We have to think about the “Big Picture.”

Yes, it good to be cautious – but that does not mean we should stop living life.
I will agree that the economy sucks, and we always get through it. Right now, it’s just a little tougher than we expected. But what’s life without a little challenge.

Don’t become distraught, and don’t hide under a rock. Enjoy life – Take pleasure in what we have been given!