Saturday, April 4, 2009

Think Outside the Box

"When life gives you lemons, just make strawberries."

I am pretty sure I have a few people raising their eyebrows right now, but let me explain why I chose this quote. Earlier this week, one of my friends told me this on Facebook in order to put a smile on my face. Let's just say it worked, and I am in much better spirits despite the obstacles I have encountered.

Typically, people will say, "Just make lemonade," but who wants to hear that again? Given the economy, it is time for people to think outside the box. I have heard this from my boyfriend, the news, etc., and I am beginning to realize it's time for a change.

I will admit change can be scary, but comfort can become dull and boring. Everyone needs a little excitement in their life: plus, this is what life is all about. Who knows where the world would be today if it was not for inventors, philosophers or entrepreneurs,

Alexander Graham Bell is a good example: he is credited with inventing the telephone (I know everyone knows this, but there could be someone who doesn't). Without this idea, we would not have a way to contact people around the country or around the world. We would not have cell phones, blackberries or smartphones.

Our world is constantly developing new technology because someone felt that their invention would have a purpose for others. They felt their idea would make our lives simple and more convenient. Ideas and inventions are symbolic of change. There are people who are quick to try anything new, but there are also people who are hesitant to change. I would advise those people to take a chance, and they should not be afraid of change. If it does not work out, then learn from your mistakes, but don't let your mistakes get the best of you. I know it is easier said than done, but it's probably the best advice I can give.

If some major event happens in your life, embrace it and accept the challenge. Who knows where this path could take you? Do not let obstacles hinder you from having true happiness.