Monday, April 20, 2009

Inspiration through Religion

Religion inspires many people to do wonderful things. It can be used as a motivational tool to keep individuals going throughout their day to day lives. In my opinion, religion drives us to help others throughout our communities, and even the world.

Personally, I am not a very religious person, but I do believe it helps our society in numerous ways. Ultimately, people come together to worship a supreme being. This being has many different names, such as God, Allah, Buddha, Brahman, etc. The primary purpose of these religions is to motivate their communities to treat others with respect, promote happiness, and believe in themselves as well as a higher power.

Each religion has its benefits and downfalls, but I am not here to argue those ideas. I am just asking for everyone to share their story as to how religion has inspired them. Some go on to become religious leaders, while others help their communities through various religious functions.
Growing up, my family raised me to be a Catholic. They enrolled me in PSR classes, and this helped me learn more about the church and its purpose in Catholicism. It also helped me become more centered on my family as I entered adulthood. Even though I do not always agree with some Catholic ideas, this religion played a huge part in becoming a good person.

Throughout my life, I have “experimented” with various religions, but the two I relate to the most are Catholicism and Buddhism. The two are very different, but very similar at the same time. The beliefs of the SGI (Soka Gakkai International) taught me to believe in myself. The members taught me that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, despite their circumstances. They also helped me feel more comfortable with myself as a single mother. They showed me that as long as I am a good person, it’s not wrong for me to pray for things that I want. I am very thankful that I met certain individuals in SGI because they helped shape my ideas even further.

I still even use both religions to inspire my thoughts, ambitions and ideas today. I may not take part in their functions, but both religions still motivate and inspire me. Again, every religion is different, but they each have their own purpose –and they help inspire others throughout the world.