Sunday, April 12, 2009


My last blog post was kind of "eh." in my opinion. I knew what I wanted to say, but I didn't know where I was headed. I'll end up revising it eventually - for now, I will start you with a new thought.

Passion is what drives us. Without it, life would be dull. Everyone has a passion: cars, writing, traveling, dancing, singing, etc. You can see a person's eyes sparkle when they are doing something they love.

If you want see a "happy" me, then talk about writing, creating events and finding new ways to help people. I can feel my heart lift, my mind race, and my face will light up with a smile.

I spoke with one of my friend's about her business because I want to help her succeed. Her concept is impeccable and like no other: All Moms Go to Heaven. I truly believe her business is headed in the right direction, and I will be helping her with a few things. Once we have it set up, you will be able to read an interview either in May or June.

She has been an inspiration along with a few other individuals. She has a passion for her business, and some people don't understand that. She does not want to settle for what she knows: She wants to reach for the stars.

It's amazing how many people complain about life because they settle for comfort. Sure, there are a few passions that do not pay the bills; nonetheless, it does not mean you should stop doing what you love.

The States, even the world, is consumed with a fast-paced life and what a person can do to make the most money. Don't get me wrong, we need money to survive in this world. On the other hand, it's just paper: it won't make you happy. It will solve a few problems, but that's about it.

As we get older, we should be able to look back and say, "I had a good life, and I wouldn't change a thing." So why not do what you love? Am I saying you should quit your job? No, I'm not that stupid.

Find a way to transition. If it won't pay the bills, do it in your free time. Just make sure you don't regret missing out or pushing your passion aside. Everyone deserves to be happy.

Well, that's it for now. I am off to spend the rest of the day with my son.

Happy Easter Everyone!!!!!