Thursday, September 24, 2009


What does strength mean to you? Merriam-Webster provides nine definitions for this term, but each person has their own meaning of strength. Nonetheless, I want to focus on the first definition, the quality or state of being strong: the capacity for exertion or endurance. An individual can be physically strong, but mental strength is the key to overcoming any adversity. As James Conant once said, “Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.”

Without taking that risk, enduring our problems or exercising our will to push through these issues, then we would not consider ourselves strong people.
Now that we know the definition, let us consider what strength is not. Strength is not when you run away from your problem. It is not when you let them sit there and fester. Moreover, strength is not when you hand all your problems over to someone else so they can fix them for you. It just does not work that way. You have to be involved in the process somehow, and it is completely different when that individual is there to guide you.

Do not get me wrong, I have made the first two mistakes numerous times in different situations. Where did it get me? Nowhere. By the time my issues were all said and done, I had an even bigger mess to clean. Let us take not paying your bills as an example. Sure, you can use the money to go by other things, but your bills will still be there waiting for you. If choose not to pay them, you will rack up an insane amount of late fees. Eventually, this bill will be sent to a collection agency. Then, these people will become your enemies. They will call you five or six times a day about your bill, if not more. They will harass you, call you dirty names, and do whatever else it takes to get their money.

Maybe, just maybe the bill will go away after seven years. However, it is highly unlikely. Those individuals will take this even further by issuing you a subpoena. Then, you will end up paying for court costs and risk the possibility of your check being garnished. This horrible cycle that affects everyone around you. Granted, I am defending bill collectors because some of them are just unethical, but that is not the point of my blog.

My point is you have to think about resolutions. How are you going to move past the issue that has been created? That will become a testament to your strength. When I hear people tell me I am a strong person, I sometimes brush it off because I never thought of myself like that. Nevertheless, each individual encounters various problems and handles them in a different manner. The problems I encounter might be similar to another individual, but they may choose a different solution. It does not necessarily mean you are not strong person, but it means that each person has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. So if you have a problem that is bugging you, get off your butt and do something about it. I am in the process of resolving mine at this very moment, but I will save that for the next blog.

Until the next time….

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Missing in action?

Is she missing in action?

Not exactly…As I started the path to my aspirations, I hit a few bumps in the road that threw me for a huge loop.

1. Breakup

2. Student Loans

3. My previous university

The last two, I expected to happen, but the first one hurt me the most. However, none of this has deterred me from what I have set out to do. You could say I am taking this time to reinvent myself. I am also trying to strategize and figure out how to get from point A to point B.

With that being said, you can understand why I emphasize on not giving up on your dreams. Should I be angry about what happened? Yes, I have every right to demonstrate this emotion, and I would not be human if I was not irritated. However, focusing on my anger will not get me any closer to my goals.
My life has taken several hits before, especially in the romance sector. And each time I am knocked down, I pick myself back up. You cannot put your life on hold just because problems occur – you have to strategize as you go and remain focused.

I am thankful that all this did happen because it will keep me from making the same mistakes before. In addition, I met someone who reminded me of who I am as a person and pushed me back on the road to my goals.

What exactly are those goals? I am still fine-tuning them, but that is all a part of my master plan. Let us just say I will continue my writing and eventually end up in paradise – Just because I am no longer with someone does not mean I should give up on moving to Hawaii. I fell in love with Honolulu and will make this a reality, whether I am with someone or not.

Let’s just say the journey of life is crazy, but that is the beauty of it. We will eventually get through all the issues that we face.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Change occurs every day. Whether it is big or small, we all encounter it. The question is - how do we handle those situations when they are thrown in our path. Some people ignore change, while others try to adjust. Others worry frantically, while others remain calm.

Even though we may not like this life-altering situation, we still must accept it and work with it – unless it creates a downward spiral of events. I have faced many changes and challenges in my life – and somehow, I have survived them all.

Some would think I would change my ways and become more hateful towards life and its challenges, but that’s not the type of person I am. Despite the amount of pain I have been through, I still consider myself a strong person and continue to hold my head strong.

Don’t get me wrong – I have my pessimistic moments. I would not be human if I didn’t. However, I try to move past those moments and create some sort of solitude amidst my chaotic life. If I didn’t, then I would feel lost and confused.

If your life comes across a challenge, then embrace it. It can be an enlightening experience. If you struggle, then surround yourself with people who support you. And if family or friends are not encouraging – then find people who are.

Everyone needs some type of support in their life: you just cannot go isolate yourself from the people who care about you the most. They will be there to support you and help you overcome this test. And eventually, you will see yourself succeed.

Monday, April 27, 2009

There are millions of writers in the world. So what makes someone think they can stand out in the crowd?

It’s a difficult task to do – but it can be done. I have scoured numerous articles about writing and have been given a number of tips on how to be a good writer and how to be a bad writer. This information has been extremely helpful, but it can be a burden as well.

It can stop someone from actually writing. For example, I always try to think of a topic that would attract readers. Once I have my focus – I deter myself from writing because I think: it’s been done before or what if no one likes it.

If I have not actually written my piece, then I go to the web for information. How can I make this topic more interesting? How can I attract readers?
After reading the articles, I am finished. Not finished with my topic – just finished with writing in general.

I become so frustrated with reading the articles because they bring me back to reality – there is no way I can stand out among the crowd.
Then, I remember that my writing is unique, and it’s not about whether or not I stand out – it’s about content and my story. Each writing style is different, and not everyone is going to like the way you write.

No, I am not an “expert” on writing since I have just started my career – but even a professional can botch up the job.

Sure, my blog may be one of many on the web, but that’s not going to stop me from writing. I may not write every day, but I want to keep make sure I am not becoming repetitive or boring. I want to inspire others to write because it’s one form of communication that will never die.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Challenge Yourself

Happy Belated Earth Day everyone!!

I know – I am a little late on this. Rather than competing with all the other blogs, I opted to take the day off and enjoy Mother Earth.

My inspiration consisted of me walking around Creve Coeur Lake, which left me exhausted. Even though my body does not walk five miles every day, I wanted to challenge myself. I knew that after it was over: I would be proud.

We face challenges every day, and we always find ways to overcome them. Now I have something to ask of my readers: Challenge yourself.

Do one thing that scares you or do something you have always wanted to do. What are you waiting for?

Now that I have completed my 5-mile trek, I am challenging myself to walk it on a daily basis. My other challenges are getting back into school and finishing my degree. Either way it goes, I have a lot on my plate – Because there are more goals I want to reach.

We will always face difficulties, but we should not let it stop us. We have to think about the “Big Picture.”

Yes, it good to be cautious – but that does not mean we should stop living life.
I will agree that the economy sucks, and we always get through it. Right now, it’s just a little tougher than we expected. But what’s life without a little challenge.

Don’t become distraught, and don’t hide under a rock. Enjoy life – Take pleasure in what we have been given!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Inspiration through Religion

Religion inspires many people to do wonderful things. It can be used as a motivational tool to keep individuals going throughout their day to day lives. In my opinion, religion drives us to help others throughout our communities, and even the world.

Personally, I am not a very religious person, but I do believe it helps our society in numerous ways. Ultimately, people come together to worship a supreme being. This being has many different names, such as God, Allah, Buddha, Brahman, etc. The primary purpose of these religions is to motivate their communities to treat others with respect, promote happiness, and believe in themselves as well as a higher power.

Each religion has its benefits and downfalls, but I am not here to argue those ideas. I am just asking for everyone to share their story as to how religion has inspired them. Some go on to become religious leaders, while others help their communities through various religious functions.
Growing up, my family raised me to be a Catholic. They enrolled me in PSR classes, and this helped me learn more about the church and its purpose in Catholicism. It also helped me become more centered on my family as I entered adulthood. Even though I do not always agree with some Catholic ideas, this religion played a huge part in becoming a good person.

Throughout my life, I have “experimented” with various religions, but the two I relate to the most are Catholicism and Buddhism. The two are very different, but very similar at the same time. The beliefs of the SGI (Soka Gakkai International) taught me to believe in myself. The members taught me that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, despite their circumstances. They also helped me feel more comfortable with myself as a single mother. They showed me that as long as I am a good person, it’s not wrong for me to pray for things that I want. I am very thankful that I met certain individuals in SGI because they helped shape my ideas even further.

I still even use both religions to inspire my thoughts, ambitions and ideas today. I may not take part in their functions, but both religions still motivate and inspire me. Again, every religion is different, but they each have their own purpose –and they help inspire others throughout the world.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wear Sunscreen - Baz Luhrmann

This a great inspirational song. I hope everyone enjoys it!